class: middle # Raxx ## Refined web development []( --- class: middle # Refine > ### Remove **impurities** or **unwanted** elements ... --- class: middle  --- class: middle # Elixir un**plug**ged --- class: middle # The death and life of a **Phoenix** --- class: middle # Through the **plug**hole --- class: middle ## **Hi** ### *name -* Peter Saxton ### *@internets -* CrowdHailer ### *@works -* --- class: middle  --- class: middle # What is **Raxx**? 1. HTTP interface for servers, frameworks (and clients) 1. Toolkit for web development --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Greetings do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request( _request, _state) do %Raxx.Response{status: 200, headers: ["content-type", "text/plain"] body: "Hello, World!"} end end ``` --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Greetings do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request( _request, _state) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/plain") |> set_body("Hello, World!") end end ``` --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Greetings do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request( %{path: ["name", name]}, _state) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/plain") |> set_body("Hello, #{name}!") end end ``` --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Greetings do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request( %{path: ["name", name]}, %{greeting: greeting}) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/plain") |> set_body("#{greeting}, #{name}!") end end ``` --- class: middle ## Starting a service ```elixir Ace.HTTP.Service.start_link( {Greetings, %{greeting: "Aloha"}}, port: 8080, cleartext: true ) # => {:ok, #PID<0,99,0>} ``` --- class: middle ```sh $ curl localhost:8080/name/Denver Aloha, Denver! ``` --- class: middle # What is **Ace**? A server to run **Raxx** applications - HTTP/2 + HTTPS, by default - Isolated message exchanges - Good OTP citizen - Simple streaming --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Greetings do # use Raxx.Server use Ace.HTTP.Service, [port: 8080, cleartext: true] # ... end ``` ```elixir Greetings.start_link(%{greeting: "Aloha"}) ``` --- class: middle ## Ace service vs servers > We do not have ONE web-server handling 2 millions sessions. We have 2 million webservers handling one session each. []( --- class: middle  --- class: middle # Why build **Raxx**? 1. Functional programming matters 1. HTTP is message passing 1. Support more than MVC --- class: middle ## Functional programming 1. Data is immutable 2. Function return values depend only on input values 3. Functions have no side effects. --- class: middle ## Functional programming 1. Immutable data 2. No side-causes 3. No side-effects --- class: middle ### **Elixir** can break all three of these rules Breaking these rules should only be done knowingly --- class: middle  Elixir.LDN 2016 --- class: middle .full[```elixir %Plug.Conn{ adapter: {Plug.MissingAdapter, nil}, assigns: %{}, before_send: [], body_params: %Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: "", method: "GET", owner: nil, params: %Unfetched{aspect: :params}, path_params: %{}, path_info: [], port: 0, private: %{}, query_params: %Unfetched{aspect: :query_params}, query_string: "", peer: nil, remote_ip: nil, req_cookies: %Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [], request_path: "", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: nil } ```] --- class: middle ```elixir %Plug.Conn{owner: pid} = conn ``` --- class: middle ### Composition compromised ```elixir plug PublicApi.Plug.JSONRequestParser plug PublicApi.Plug.VerifySignature ```
`/lib/public_api/plug/json_request_parser.ex` ```elixir # ... conn = put_private(conn, :raw_body, body) # ... ``` --- class: middle ### Memory leak ```elixir defmodule PublicApi.UserController do use PublicApi.Web, :controller def event_stream(conn, %{"id" => user_id}) do PublicApi.EventLog.follow(user_id, get_last_event_id(conn)) conn |> put_resp_header("content-type", SSE.mime_type()) |> send_chunked(200) |> loop() end defp loop(conn) do receive do event = %{event_id: _} -> {:ok, conn} = chunk(conn, serialize(event)) loop(new_conn) _ -> conn end end end ``` --- class: middle # HTTP is **message passing** > The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a stateless application- level request/response protocol that uses extensible semantics and self-descriptive message payloads for flexible interaction with network-based hypertext information systems. --- class: middle  --- class: middle ## GenServer ```elixir defmodule MyServer do use GenServer def handle_call(:request, _from, state) do {:reply, :response, state} end end ``` --- class: middle ## Raxx.Server ```elixir defmodule MyApp do use Raxx.Server def handle_request(_request, _state) do %Raxx.Response{status: 200, headers: [], body: false} end end ``` --- class: middle # What about **streaming**? --- class: middle ``` tail | data(1+) | head(request) --> Client ============================================ Server <-- head(response) | data(1+) | tail ``` --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Upload do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_head(%{path: ["upload"] body: true}, _) do {:ok, io_device} ="my/path") {[], {:file, device}} end @impl Raxx.Server def handle_data(data, state = {:file, device}) do IO.write(device, data) {[], state} end @impl Raxx.Server def handle_tail(_trailers, state) do response(:see_other) |> set_header("location", "/") end end ``` --- class: middle # More than **MVC** --- class: middle - SQL - NoSQL - EventSourcing/CQRS - Memory Image - Hexagonal Architecture - Onion Architecture - **Bring your own** Raxx supports all of these architectures... -- because it assumes none of them --- class: middle # **?VC** ### **M**ind you own business ### **V**iew ### **C**ontroller --- class: middle # The Raxx stack ### *Cowboy* -> **Ace** ### *Plug* -> **Raxx** ### *Phoenix* -> **???** --- class: middle # No Framework? 1. OTP is my framework 1. and Rob said so --- class: middle  --- class: middle # **Watercooler** ### Elixir chat app --- class: middle ```sh mix new watercooler --sup cd watercooler ``` --- class: middle ### This **IS** the application ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.Chat do def publish(message) do # ... end def join() do # .... end end ``` ### How does it work? --- class: middle  --- class: middle ```elixir defp deps do [ {:ace, "~> 0.15.10"}, {:raxx_static, "~> 0.6.0"}, {:server_sent_event, "~> 0.3.0"}, # automatic recompilation when files change {:exsync, "~> 0.2.0", only: :dev} ] end ``` *mix.exs* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW do use Ace.HTTP.Service @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(%{method: :GET, path: []}, _state) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/html") |> set_body("
Home Page
") end def handle_request(_request, _state) do response(:not_found) |> set_header("content-type", "text/html") |> set_body("
Ooops! Page not found.
") end end ``` *lib/watercooler/www.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.Application do @moduledoc false use Application def start(_type, _args) do config = %{} server_options = [port: 8080, cleartext: true] children = [ {Watercooler.WWW, [config, server_options]} ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Watercooler.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end ``` *lib/watercooler/application.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW do use Ace.HTTP.Service use Raxx.Router, [ {%{method: :GET, path: []}, Watercooler.WWW.HomePage}, {_, Watercooler.WWW.NotFoundPage} ] use Raxx.Logger end ``` *lib/watercooler/www.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW.HomePage do use Raxx.Server require EEx template = Path.join(__DIR__, "./home_page.html.eex") EEx.function_from_file(:defp, :view, template, [:assigns]) @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(%{method: :GET, path: []}, _state) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/html") |> set_body(view(%{})) end end ``` *lib/watercooler/www/home_page.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW do use Ace.HTTP.Service use Raxx.Router, [ {%{method: :GET, path: []}, Watercooler.WWW.HomePage}, {_, Watercooler.WWW.NotFoundPage} ] use Raxx.Static, "./www/public" use Raxx.Logger end ``` Add static ```dir - www - public - main.css - favicon.ico ``` --- class: middle ```html
``` *lib/watercooler/www/home_page.html.eex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW.PublishMessage do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(%{body: body}, _state) do %{"message" => message} = body |> URI.decode_www_form() |> URI.decode_query() {:ok, _} = Watercooler.Chat.publish(message) response(:see_other) |> set_header("location", "/") end end ``` *lib/watercooler/www/publish_message.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule Watercooler.WWW.SubscribeToUpdates do use Raxx.Server alias ServerSentEvent, as: SSE @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(_request, state) do {:ok, _} = Watercooler.Chat.join() response = response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/event-stream") |> set_body(true) {[response], state} end @impl Raxx.Server def handle_info({Watercooler.Chat, message}, config) do event = SSE.serialize(%SSE{lines: [message]}) {[], config} end end ``` *lib/watercooler/www/subscribe_to_updates.ex* --- class: middle ```html
``` *lib/watercooler/www/home_page.html.eex* --- class: middle # Fin! (nearly) --- class: middle ## Frameworks save time?  --- class: middle ```json { "name": "watercooler", "scripts": { "watch:css": "node-sass -w assets/main.scss public/main.css" }, "devDependencies": { "node-sass": "^4.7.2", } } ``` *lib/watercooler/www/package.json* p.s. ask your front-end colleague about this --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WaterCooler.WWW.WatchCSS do def start_link([]) do Task.start_link(fn() -> System.cmd("npm", ["run", "watch:css"], cd: __DIR__) end) end end ``` *lib/watercooler/www/watch_css.ex* ```elixir children = [ {Watercooler.WWW, [config, server_options]}, Watercooler.WWW.WatchCSS ] ``` *lib/watercooler/application.ex* --- class: middle # See the **code** - []( - []( ### Also - [#raxx on]( - [](