class: middle # All chat applications, # **Lesson Two** --- class: middle - Docker - Configuration - service discovery - testing - **cloud native??** --- class: middle ## Spoilers []( Live coded chat app in 45 minutes --- class: middle # **Hi** - *name -* Peter Saxton - *@internets -* CrowdHailer - *@works -* --- class: middle ## From the **beginning**  --- class: middle ## From the **beginning*** ```sh mkdir chat cd chat mix new www --sup cd www ``` *Greenfield project* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW.Chat do def create_room(room_name) do :pg2.create(room_name) end def publish(room_name, message) do for client <- :pg2.get_members(room_name) do send(client, {WWW.Chat, message}) end end def join(room_name) do :pg2.join(room_name, self()) end end ``` *lib/www/chat.ex* --- class: middle  --- class: middle # To the web  --- class: middle ```md FORMAT: 1A # Index [/] ## Home page [GET] Home page for a simple chat application. ## Publish a message [POST] Publish a new message in the chatroom. # Updates [/updates] ## Subscribe to updates [GET] Stream updates for all new messages. ``` *lib/www.apib* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW do use Raxx.Server use Raxx.Blueprint, "./www.apib" def start_link(config, options) do Ace.HTTP.Service.start_link({__MODULE__, config}, options) end end ``` *lib/www.ex* --- class: middle # Hold up, **Raxx**? --- class: middle  --- class: middle ## **Ace** A server to run Raxx applications - HTTP/2 by default - Good OTP citizen - Isolated streams --- class: middle # OK --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW do use Raxx.Server use Raxx.Blueprint, "./www.apib" def start_link(config, options) do Ace.HTTP.Service.start_link({__MODULE__, config}, options) end end ``` *lib/www.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW.HomePage do use Raxx.Server require EEx template = Path.join(__DIR__, "./home_page.html.eex") EEx.function_from_file(:defp, :home_page, template, []) @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(_request, _state) do response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/html") |> set_body(home_page()) end end ``` *lib/www/home_page.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW.PublishAMessage do use Raxx.Server @impl Raxx.Server def handle_request(%{body: body}, %{room: room}) do %{"message" => message} = body |> URI.decode_www_form() |> URI.decode_query() WWW.Chat.publish(room, message) response(:see_other) |> set_header("location", "/") end end ``` *lib/www/publish_a_message.ex* --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW.SubscribeToUpdates do use Raxx.Server def handle_request(_request, state = %{room: room}) do WWW.Chat.join(room) response = response(:ok) |> set_header("content-type", "text/event-stream") |> set_body(true) {[response], state} end def handle_info({WWW.Chat, message}, state) do fragment = %ServerSentEvent{lines: [message], type: "chat"} |> ServerSentEvent.serialize() |> data() {[fragment], state} end end ``` --- class: middle ```elixir defmodule WWW.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false Node.connect(:"app@www-1") opts = [port: 8080, cleartext: true] children = [ supervisor(WWW, [%{room: :elixir_chat}, opts]) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: WWW.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end ``` *lib/www/application.ex* --- class: middle ```sh iex -S mix ```  --- class: middle # Lesson **2** --- class: middle ## What is **Docker**? > Docker provides an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Windows and Linux. *Pocket sized machines that are quick to set up and easy to discard* --- class: middle ## What is **Docker Compose**? > Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. *Included with Docker install* --- class: middle ```Dockerfile FROM elixir:1.5.2 RUN mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force COPY . ./ CMD ["sh", "bin/start"] ``` *Dockerfile* ```sh elixir --sname app --cookie $ERLANG_COOKIE -S mix run --no-halt ``` *bin/start* --- class: middle ```yml version: '3' services: www: build: context: "./www" dockerfile: "Dockerfile" environment: - ERLANG_COOKIE=changeme ports: - "8080:8080" ``` *docker-compose.yml* --- class: middle # **Development** --- class: middle Start all the services. ```sh docker-compose up ``` --- class: middle Stop all the services. ```sh docker-compose down ``` --- class: middle Work on a service. ```sh docker-compose run www mix deps.get docker-compose run www mix test docker-compose run www mix ... ``` --- class: middle # Build --- class: middle Tag an image ```sh docker tag chat_www crowdhailer/www ``` Push to the a repository, docker-hub ```sh docker push crowdhailer/www ``` --- class: middle # **Deploy** --- class: middle  --- class: middle  --- class: middle # Create **service** - IMAGE: crowdhailer/www:latest - SERVICE NAME: www - ADD TO STACK: chat - DEPLOYMENT STRATEGY: Every Node - AUTOREDEPLOY: on --- class: middle # Create **service** - Ports - Container port: 8080, published: true - Container port: 8443, published: true - Container port: 4001, published: true - Environment variables - ERLANG_COOKIE=secret --- class: middle  --- class: middle ## Stackfile ```yml www: autoredeploy: true deployment_strategy: every_node environment: - ERLANG_COOKIE=secret image: 'crowdhailer/www:latest' ports: - '4001:4001' - '8080:8080' - '8443:8443' ``` --- class: middle  --- class: middle ## Why **Docker**? --- class: middle  --- class: middle  So, hot right now. --- class: middle  --- class: middle ## It **is** good to fit in  --- class: middle - Introduce Elixir to a project without changing existing processes. - Enable quick experiments in new technologies. - Be part of a polyglot micro service deployment. --- class: middle ## Share environments - Start a fleet of containers. - Recreate complex setups. - Model a docker free production environment. - Diverse selection of prebuild containers. ```yml db: image: postgres:10.1 environment: -POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret ``` --- class: middle ## **No** version managers So much so that I don't have elixir installed on my host machine. --- class: middle # Downsides --- class: middle ## Yet **another** technology - Keep it simple. - Don't use stripped down operating systems, e.g. alpine. - Use official starting images. --- class: middle ## Microservice **fever** > If you can't build a monolith, what makes you think microservices are the answer? ** --- class: middle ## Immutable infrastructure - Keep it simple - Quickly restart - No relups --- class: middle # **Docker** - Do I need it? no - keep it simple; just get it working - It will change everything; mostly for the better --- class: middle # Service **discovery** --- class: middle > One machine cannot have fault tolerance. --- class: middle ## Distributed **erlang** - Start nodes with a name and a shared secret ```sh elixir --sname app --cookie $ERLANG_COOKIE -S mix run --no-halt ``` - Connect to a known node ```elixir Node.connect(:"app@www-1") ``` - Form a fully connected mesh ```elixir Node.list() # [:"app@www-1", :"app@www-2", :"app@www-4"] ``` --- class: middle ## Distributed **erlang** erlang allows you to configure list of nodes to connect to ```erlang [{kernel, [{distributed, [{myapp, 5000, [cp1@cave, {cp2@cave, cp3@cave}]}]}, {sync_nodes_mandatory, [cp2@cave, cp3@cave]}, {sync_nodes_timeout, 5000} ] } ]. ``` --- class: middle  --- class: middle # Service **discovery** - Things are always changing. - service locations not known ahead of time. - True with or without docker - node discovery, vs service discovery. --- class: middle ## **Docker Cloud** - DNS entry for service, e.g. 'www' - DNS entry for each container, e.g. 'www-1' & 'www-2' - Discoverable hostname within container, not true with docker-compose --- class: middle - Google container engine, GKE - EC2 Container Service, ECS - etc ... --- class: middle ## **Libcluster** - choice of multiple clustering strategies out of the box: - standard Distributed Erlang facilities (i.e. epmd) - multicast UDP gossip, using a configurable port/multicast address, - the Kubernetes API, via a configurable label selector and node basename. - the Rancher Metadata API --- class: middle # Configuration --- class: middle ## **Rules** of configuration > There is only one environment that matters, production --- class: middle ## **Rules** of configuration - Do not configure, configuration is for libraries - Always follow production - Avoid relying on named environments - dev, prod, test, staging, ci, ... --- class: middle ## **Surface** testing - Test an interface someone cares about. - Bonus! Can exercise built release and production system with same test suite. --- class: middle ## **Surface** testing ```elixir test "Home page is available" do {:ok, response} = HTTPoison.get("www:8080/") assert response.status_code == 200 end ``` *integration/test/integration_test.exs* --- class: middle # Cloud **native** - Web is the only interface that matters - Documentation is crucial --- class: middle  --- class: middle # Cloud **native** You might not need microservices, but a second service could be useful. --- class: middle # Thanks ### []( ### []( --- class: middle # **Elixir on Docker** #### Project template for cloud native applications - Wobserver included - Surface testing suite set up - Code reloading in development #### [](