class: middle #.main[Tokumei], on the web --- # Goals - Simplicity - More than MVC --- # Simple ``` request -> server[state] -> response ``` -- ```elixir response = MyApp.handle_request(request, state) ``` In this case simple means **pure**. ??? For this reason it doesn't use plug. [Why Raxx]( --- # More than **MVC** - SQL - NoSQL - EventSourcing/CQRS - Memory Image - Hexagonal Architecture - Onion Architecture ## *Bring your own* ??? All supported because there is no model layer. Tokumei naturally fits into umbrella projects where the business logic is completly separate from the Tokumei App Using umbrellas make it very easy to create a separate release for a service and migrate to microservices --- # Concise ```elixir defmodule MyApp do use Tokumei use Application route [] do :GET -> Response.ok("Hello, world!") end def start(_, _) do Ace.HTTP.start_link({MyApp, []}, port: 8080) end end ``` -- **Cowboy Adapter** also available --- # Modular ``` elixir use Tokumei ### Equivalent ### use Tokumei.Templates alias Tokumei.{Flash, Helpers} use Tokumei.NotFound use Tokumei.Router use Tokumei.ErrorHandler use Tokumei.Flash.Query use Tokumei.ContentLength use Tokumei.MethodOverride use Tokumei.Static use Tokumei.Head use Tokumei.CommonLogger ``` ??? [Writing Middleware]( --- # OTP friendly ```elixir defmodule MyApp do use Application def start(_type, _args) do import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false children = [ worker(Ace.HTTP, [{MyApp.WWW, []}, [port: 8080]]) worker(Ace.HTTPS, [{MyApp.API, []}, [port: 8081]]) worker(Ace.HTTPS, [{MyApp.Admin, []}, [port: 8082]]) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end ``` --- # Helpful ```elixir import Tokumei.Helpers @route_name :login route ["login"], request do :POST -> # if successful redirect(path_to(:home)) |> Flash.write(success: "Welcome Back") end ``` --- ## Testable ```elixir request = %{method: :GET, path: []} config = [] response = MyApp.handle_request(request, config) assert 200 == response.status ``` --- # Routing ```elixir @route_name :users route ["users"], request do :GET -> Response.ok("Dan, Lucy, Jane") :POST -> Response.created("Added #{request.body}") end @route_name :forgot_password route ["forgot-password"], request, %{mailer: mailer} do :POST -> mailer.send_password_reset(request.body) Response.ok("Reset sent") end ``` --- # Error Handling ```elixir route ["checkout"] do :POST -> {:error, :subscription_expired} end error :subscription_expired do Response.payment_required("Please pay up, :-)") end error %NotFoundError{path: path} do path = "/" <> Enum.join(path, "/") Response.not_found("Could not find #{path}") end ``` --- class: middle # []( ## *@internets -* CrowdHailer